Top 12 mold types in California
Everything to know about mold
More Frequently asked questions
False Positives & False Negatives
Why isn't mold taken more seriously?
5 things to know about the mold around your windows or on your general items.
Cleaning mold 101: The aftermath
Why certifications basically mean nothing.
Home DIY mold test kit Vs. Professional air sampling
Mycotoxins - When removing mold is not enough.
What to do when you notice water damage or mold growth.
How to save your money and your sanity from bad mold remediation companies.
Treat The Source Conference
What comes first, the water intrusion or the mold?
Stop bad contractors from creating mold problems and then making them worse.
How to know when you need a mold inspection.
Easy ways to be sure your mold inspector is honest and ethical!